Wednesday 11 January 2012


Hello everyone, hope you all had a great holiday, and hope you all had some nice pressies, I'd like to share a few of mine with you, as Christmas day is also my Birthday, then i tend to get a few extra pressies, I'm lucky in that sense, and I've never really missed having a birthday earlier in the year.
I was lucky enough to receive these great Retro DC figures of Batman & Cheetah, they are of course based on the classic MEGO style.

Super Cool Retro DC Figures

Backs of Cards

I absolutely love these figures, the whole look of them is great, I'm very tempted to open them as i always think figures look much better displayed that way, on the other hand they are so cool. i don't want to spoil them in any way!..they are usually quiet expensive to buy in the UK averaging around £20.00 a figure, that Black Manta one looks Fab, i must attempt to get that.
Shame they are not packaged in the clam shell way like the Emcee Star Trek figures i got to add to my collection..

The salt Vampire being the Star figure here.its Fantastic, these are deffo being opened, as you can carefully cut along the dots without damaging the packaging too much, and i really need to display the Uhura figure on the Enterprise bridge along with my other MEGOs

I need A Gorn!
These re-issues of the Original MEGO figures a great, I'm not a Purist collector, if i like it. I'll buy it and display it regardless of age or collectability.and they were on sale in Forbidden Planet at £6.99!..absolute bargains really, i may go back and get the Sulu figure, for my now overcrowded Enterprise bridge.


  1. I still want one of those Batman ones!

    1. I was lucky enough to have my Brother who lives in New York, send me those for my Birthday, as they are Scarce in the UK.
      Yes Jboy the Batman figure is Super Ace!

  2. Looks Santa was good to you. I love the DC Retro Action figures. I was bummed the line was discontinued.

    1. That is a shame, these are great figures. i'm after getting the Black Manta next..
