Wednesday 14 December 2011


Its been a bit quiet on the charity shop & car boot front at the moment, so most of my recent buys have been from E bay,these 2 great games are from the UK company Palitoy who you may know mainly for Action Man, they also did a great line in Board Games this is the Hulk game from 1979, featuring 'Abomination' i really love the box art its striking & colour full and looks pretty fab on display.

Instructions &  Hulk /Banner Counters
I like the fact that Abomination comes as a cube!, and the Banner/hulk counters are pretty cool, the cards depict buildings,something the Hulk likes to smash, I've not had chance to play this yet so i hope it works as a game a bit better than the Dollar man board game does.

Hulk Board Hulk Smash!
A great bargain for £8.00, I've seen some sellers with it listed at £30.00.
so merry Hulkmass everyone!

This is the other game i got just a few days after my Hulk purchase, I'm always on the lookout for vintage Superhero toys & games anything from the sixties or seventies, the artwork & design of those decades was fantastic, and a lot more imaginative than you see nowadays.
Made by the Bradgate division of Palitoy comes the 'Marvel comics Superheroes Game' i guess between the 2, this is my fave as it features not one but five superheroes all battling against the mighty' Mephisto', a character i must admit to not being familiar with, i would have thought 'Kang' or 'Doctor Doom' would have fitted the game better, but saying that, he does look pretty mean & cool.

Great Board Excelsior!
As you can see another great board, depicting the Five heroes in separate corners, and the middle kept for another Cube shaped Villain!..the designers at Palitoy seemed to like their cube shaped characters.

Iron man & Torch
Super Spidey
The inside is also super great featuring more character counters of the Heroes & their everyday counterparts ( excuse the pun) and that great Mephisto cube and a super spinner, no doubt left over from the Batman/Superman games,this is one I'm really looking forward to playing over the holidays.


Mighty Mephisto..Cube!
Complex Instructions..

Hopefully I'll get a chance to do one more blog before Chrismas with a few of my recent charity shop finds..but if not.
Happy Holiday's everyone!


  1. I love the artwork on both of those boxes! I am a huge fan of 70s comic book art. I lean more twards the Horror books that were out at the time...but the Super Hero books were amazing as well. Very cool finds. ^_^

  2. I used to have a Captain America and the Avengers board game my mom got me from the drug store years and years ago.

  3. Thanks Big daddy Darth, yes the art work is fantastic..and jboy, i'd love to see that Captain America Game it sounds Ace!

  4. I wish i still had it Vince i would send it to you. : )

  5. Thats very kind of you jboy.Thank You..i'll have to track one down..

  6. I like your presentation and agree with much of this information. You kept my attention throughout the whole article, and that's a task. Thank you. Counter Display Boxes
