Wednesday 25 July 2012


Because of Lack Of Space/finances Ect..i've had to loose a lot of the Toy was getting out of control, and i'm sure most collectors at one time, or another have had to make tough decisions about their collections, i really needed to downsize, and concentrate mainly on the toys i really loved & wanted to keep, as opposed to trying to collect everything pop culture wise that i liked.
 So for the past 6 months i've been downsizing, thats why theres been  no new posts, and i now have a new blog, the thing i liked most of all while grownig up were the 60's Secret agent toys that were available, so i decided to concentrated on those, this as been a big help to me Mentally & financially! and enabled me to start creating a new & more manageable collection..
please take a look, all new posts will now be on the new blog

i'd like to thank everyone who joined the Atomic Toy Blog, and for your support & comments.

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