Wednesday 26 October 2011


Here's some of Steve's new headers he's done for me, the Dinosaurs one is my fave, it has a great authentic 70's Hong Kong feel to it, which as regular readers of this blog will know, is one of my favourite areas of Toy Collecting, the dinosaurs are just generic ones I've found in various Charity shops during my hunts for cool items for the Toy Room, as is the Skeleton i found in a box of toys at a Car Boot.

This is the Hulk glove puppet i found at Donnington Toy Fair i believe it originally came in a box, not a header, but the recreation of a box was a bit beyond Steve's capabilities..or time, so the next best thing is this great 70's style Marvel Header..looks pretty convincing don't you think?

Hulk trapped in Plastic Bag!..that'll make him angry.

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